Colleagues and Alumni and Student Performers Pay Tribute to Jessica SInclair and Charles Geroux at Reunion 2024

Reunion weekend featured events honoring the remarkable contributions of Jessica Sinclair and Charles Geroux, two iconic figures in the school's performing arts history who both passed away last spring. Two distinct events provided a powerful tribute to their legacies, bringing together former students, colleagues, and friends for a celebration filled with artistry and emotion, and creating a living memorial through which alumni can pay tribute to these two impactful teachers via:
The Jessica Sinclair and Charles Geroux Legacy Fund for the Arts.

Tribute events began at the Kingswood Auditorium with a special tribute performance. The auditorium, filled with alumni and faculty, resonated with heartfelt remarks from Chuck and Jesse's esteemed colleagues, Sarkis Halajian and Charlie Shaw. With the support of music instructor Katie Lorts and Director of Dance Kay Rediers, the audience enjoyed offerings by Gilbert and Sullivan, a Geroux favorite, as well as a powerful performance by dancer Lynzi Evans ’25.  Jessica’s former student Megan Slayter ’95, Professor of Dance at Western Michigan University presented a dance reconstructed from original choreography from 1896.The performance evoked Sinclair’s creativity and her innovative work with fabric and costumes. The final song, “Tonight” from West Side Story was sung by Maria Schultz ’25, who was accompanied by her mother, Brookside music instructor Rosalia Schultz on piano. The performances beautifully encapsulated the impactful careers and personal influence both educators had during their decades at Cranbrook Kingswood.
Click here to view the recording of the tribute performance.

As the sun set that evening, the festivities continued at the Performing Arts Center. The current Director of Performing Arts Mark Hourigan toasted to the legacy of these faculty icons, followed by words from Chuck’s wife Brigid Geroux and Jessica’s daughter Lisa Sinclair. With Debbie Dietrich '72 and Diana Lawrence ’75 leading the way, alumni dancers from across five decades recreated Jessica’s most iconic dance, "Processional," in a poignant homage before firing up the dance floor with their rendition of “Everybody Everybody.”

Click here to watch the Alumni Processional

The atmosphere was one of joyful remembrance and collective appreciation for the multitude of ways Jessica Sinclair and Charles Geroux impacted their students over the years.

In honor of Jessica and Charles, the reunion also spotlighted The Jessica Sinclair and Charles Geroux Legacy Fund for the Arts. This fund, aimed at enhancing the performing arts program at Cranbrook, allows alumni to make contributions that support future generations of CK graduates. The purpose of this fund is to connect our current students with professional artists from a variety of backgrounds, creating opportunities for learning and collaboration. Thanks to alumni donors who have led the way, the fund has reached the threshold to become permanently endowed. Gifts to the fund are welcomed in memory of  Sinclair, Geroux or both. The fund ensures that the legacy of these two valued faculty members continues to inspire and influence.

In honor of her 50th reunion, Cindy Padnos ’74 has offered to match all new gifts to this fund dollar for dollar up to $25,000.

For more information about the fund click here.