Welcome Alumni!

Welcome to the Cranbrook Schools' Alumni web page, designed to ensure your connection to Cranbrook Kingswood lasts well beyond graduation. Use this site and the navigation links above to stay up to date on reunion, to find out more about volunteer opportunities at the Schools, to check out the digital version of Tradition Magazine and more.  There are drop down menus below relating to frequently asked questions, and links to official social media pages. The latest news stories are below, and you can click on "VIEW ALL NEWS" at the bottom of the page to get fully caught up.  You can always email the alumni office with any questions as well!

Save the Date for Reunion 2025, June 6-7-8

The classes of 19451950, 1955, 1960, 1965, 1970, 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, and 2020  will be celebrating milestone reunions.

Visit the Reunion page for the latest information.

Alumni News & Info

Alumni News

List of 3 news stories.

  • Alumni Event at Cranbrook Institute of Science

    After their normal closing time last Sunday afternoon, the Cranbrook Institute of Science opened their doors to Cranbrook Schools alumni and their guests, who who enjoyed exploring the exhibits, including "The Science of Archimedes," a planetarium show on the Michigan Sky and visits to the observatory. There was a record turnout for this annual event which was hosted by the Cranbrook Kingswood Alumni Association.

    Click here to view photos of this event and other alumni gatherings.

    Go to the main Alumni News page 
  • Gretchen Markle Thams and Marjorie Smith Hendrick, both '45, plan for their 80th reunion

    Class of '45 looks forward to 80th Reunion June 6-8

    Milestone classes ending in 5 and 0 are beginning to buzz about their upcoming milestone reunions coming up this June 6-7-8, and that includes the class of 1945! Kingswood classmates Gretchen Markle Thams and Marjorie Smith Hendrick, both from the class of '45 got together to talk about their upcoming 80th reunion. At their reunion meeting they reminisced about classmates and their Kingswood days together, and made plans to show off campus to family members that weekend.
  • March 6 Alumni Gathering at the San Francisco Exploratorium

    March 6 Alumni Gathering in San Francisco at the Exploratorium's Amy Snyder '80

    On Thursday, March 6, alumni who live or work in the San Francisco area will have the opportunity to gather at the Exploratorium. The evening will feature a behind the scenes tour hosted by alumna Amy Snyder '80, who is the Exploratorium Director of Photography. The tour will take place from 6:00-7:00 p.m. followed by a reception at the After Dark Lounge on the Moore East Gallery Mezzanine from 7:00-9:00 p.m. It will be an exciting evening with the opportunity to reconnect with fellow alumni living in the Northern California area, as well as Cranbrook Schools leadership.

    Thursday, March 6 | 6:00-9:00 p.m.
    6:00-7:00 p.m. (Tour)
    7:00-9:00 p.m. (Reception)
    Pier 15 Embarcadero at, Green St, San Francisco, CA 94111

    Register for this event by emailing alumni@cranbrook.edu and let us know if you plan to join us for the tour, the reception, or both! Space is limited.
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