• May

    Henry Whiting '73 delivers Sirchio Lecture

    Click here to view the full recording of the Sirchio Lecture given by Henry Whiting '73 on April 24, 2024.

    Cranbrook Schools alumnus Henry Whiting II ‘73, restorer and resident of the Frank Lloyd Wright designed Teater Studio, spoke on campus as part of Cranbrook Schools' Sirchio Distinguished Speaker Series. Whiting shared his journey restoring his Frank Lloyd Wright home, Teater's Knoll in Bliss, Idaho. Whiting told the story of how his interest in architecture that was nurtured by his uncle Alden Dow grew inter a greater passion during  his time at Cranbrook. At University of Wisconsin his ambition to become a golf course architect was derailed by an architecture course that featured the work of Frank Lloyd Wright. This led Whiting to research and purchase the Archie Teater Studio in Bliss, Idaho. Built in 1952 for a well-known painter, "Teeter's Knoll" was the only artist studio ever constructed to a Wright design. Whiting has restored the building over the years and opens it regularly to students and fans of Frank Lloyd Wright.

    Whiting shared photos of architecture that ignited his passion for Wright's work, along with other projects he has been involved in over the years. His talk demonstrated how an appreciation for the beauty around us can become a lifelong calling. Whiting exemplified how one can become a true steward of the resources they come to cherish. In many ways, his talk provided a wonderful  highlighted the ambition of George and Ellen Booth's educational philosophy: to surround young people with both natural and man-made beauty in the hope that they would develop a deep appreciation for it. 

    Prior to the lecture Whiting shared his understanding of Frank Lloyd Wright's design principles with Cranbrook Kingswood students from the History of Modern Architecture class. He toured the Frank Lloyd Wright designed Smith House with the class and shared his stories of earlier visits there with homeowners Sara and Melvyn Smith, as they swapped tales of life in a Frank Lloyd Wright gem.

    View more photos from Henry Whiting's lecture and visit here: https://bit.ly/ckalumgallery

    Inaugurated in 1993 by alumnus Kris Sirchio `83, the Sirchio Distinguished Speaker Series brings amazing alumni back to inspire students to follow their passion, aim high and believe anything is possible.
    Past speakers have included Michael Barone ‘62, Daniel Ellsberg ‘48, Sven Birkerts ‘69, Ward Just ‘53, Natalie Zemon Davis '45, Michael Hodges ’73, Tod Williams ‘61 and Billie Tsien, Rob Edwards ‘81, planetary scientist Cathy Sybert Olkin '84, and author Edmund White ’58.

    If you know of an alum who would be a good candidate to deliver a Sirchio Lecture, please email your suggestion to alumni@cranbrook.edu.

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  • Laurel Wamsley '02 with students at the reception

    Laurel Wamsley '02 speaks to the Class of 2024 at Baccalaureate

    Abeer Sheikh '24
    On May 19th, alumna Laurel Wamsley ’02 returned to Cranbrook to speak at Baccalaureate, the farewell to the senior class.

    During her time at Cranbrook, Wamsley was known as a leader. Whether in the Kingswood dorms, ceramics studio, Crane Clarion basement, or on the track, she ensured she was involved with the Cranbrook community. Currently, she is a correspondent at the National Public Radio (NPR).

    Wamsley experienced excitement and nervousness about her return to Cranbrook, a place that holds many memories for her and helped shape her into who she is today.

    “It was a real honor to be asked to return and give a speech,” Wamsley said. “But it turns out now I had to write a whole speech. Life was so busy I worried the speech wouldn’t be good.”

    Wamsley previously gave the commencement speech for her graduating class. She claims that being offered the Baccalaureate speech brought back memories of that day..

    Wamsley offered three ideas to the class of 2024 based on her experiences: it’s okay to be practical, think about the big problem that interests you most, and live in a city at some point in your young adulthood, even for a little while.

    Wamsley leaves a final message for the seniors and the Cranbrook community.
    “I urge you to savor it all,” Wamsley stated in her speech. “Each of you has been a valuable, irreplaceable part of this community--citizens who made this little city of Cranbrook so vibrant.”

     -Senior May Project Intern Abeer Sheikh '24

    View more photos from the event here: https://ckaaphotogallery.smugmug.com/
    View the event recording at https://bit.ly/ckBacca24

    Click HERE to visit the reunion page
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  • Stephanie and Ben connect with CK Economics Club Members via Zoom

    Stephanie Grove '15 and Ben Iorio '17 speak to CK Economics Club

    Stephanie Grove '15 and Ben Iorio '17 shared their personal and professional journeys from CK graduation and undergraduate degrees in economics and mathematics, to working at the Federal Reserve System. They spoke about their passion for economics and desire to make an impact with their work, which led them to pursue doctoral degrees in economics at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and Carnegie Mellon University Tepper School of Business, respectively. Stephanie and Ben inspired the students in CK's burgeoning economics program, which recently earned a State Championship distinction in a National Economics Challenge (NEC) event. Thank you to Stephanie and Ben for joining the students, and congratulations to the club students and club advisor and faculty club advisor Christopher Schotten for their recent success!
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  • April

    Join the CKAA May 7 at Gran Castor

    CKAA Annual Meeting May 7

    Local alumni are invited to join the CKAA for their Annual Meeting and Alumni Gathering on May 7 from 6 - 8 p.m. This year's event will be held at Gran Castor 2950 Rochester Road in Troy.

    This will be a very special evening to celebrate some longtime faculty and former faculty, including special guests John Twedt, David Mogill and Jo Jo Macey. The CKAA is  are grateful to Gran Castor proprietors Curt Catallo '85 & Ann Stevenson, and Managing Partner Erich Lines '83 for their support of this event.

    RSVP for this event by emailing alumni@cranbrook.edu with your name, the number of guests attending, and your class year.

    From the membership of the CKAA.

    Officers:   Alex Paul '07, Ekta Lobo Wilcox ‘89, Grant Drzyzga '10, Jennifer Cook '99, Latonya Riddle-Jones '97
    Directors:  Priscilla Crockett-Femster '96, Sharell Elam '99, Marilyn Franklin '96, Paul Gamble '82, Liz Groth '99, Rebecca McLaughlin Haines '07, Jen Miller Heath '00, Rob Kremhelmer '96, Carl Klemmer '89, Symone Jackson Kumar '07, Robert Li '15, Tarian Marks ’97, Christian Ohanian '04. Ian Perkins '05, Emme Reasoner '13,  Nicola Reasoner '11, Scott Weinberg '80

    Emeritus Members: Kenneth Bassey '86, Dave Baumhart ‘62, Laurie Frankel '79, Ann Osborn Hartzell-Kneen ‘54, Bill Hill '80, Sarah Levine Jacobs '82, Wade Mezey '76, Helen Billig Reasoner '82, Jan Mittenthal Rosen '83 
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  • CCC&R Director Greg Wittkopp introduces Sadafumi Uchiyama, garden Curator Emeritus

    Portland CRAN visit to Japanese Garden, Breakside Brewery

    More than 50 Portland alumni and guests turned out for a special visit to the Portland Japanese Garden April 13. They joined with alumni from the Cranbrook Academy of Art and guests from the Cranbrook Center for Collections and Research "Day Away" tour for an all-Cranbrook afternoon of exploration and discovery.
    Alumni were welcomed to the garden by Sadafumi Uchiyama,  the Portland garden's Curator Emeritus. Uchiyama for the past six years has been working with the Center to design and plan the rejuvenation of our own Japanese Garden.. He set the stage for the visual delights to come as alumni enjoyed their tours.

    Following the garden tours, all of the groups gathered at Breakside Brewery in town for a special sampling of craft beers curated by Portland Brewmaster Ben Edmunds ’00.

    Special thanks go to Greg Wittkopp, Director of the Cranbrook Center for Collections and Research for connecting the group with Mr. Uchiyama and enhancing the day with his insights on the connections between the two gardens. We are also grateful to trustee Chase Brand '79 for sponsoring tickets to the garden for our Cranbrook tours.
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  • Ivan Krstic, Distinguished Alumnus 2024

    Ivan Krstic, Distinguished Alumnus 2024

    There are big jobs – and then theres Ivan Krstić’s job. Known as one of the worlds top experts in digital security, Krstić serves as head of security engineering and architecture for Apple, responsible for the end-to-end security of all Apple products. Thats more than 2.2 billion iPhones, iPads, Macs, and more, used everywhere from kindergarten classes to the halls of government.
    Krstić has never shied away from big ambitions and responsibilities. In fact, he landed at Apple at the age of 23 after emailing company founder Steve Jobs in the middle of the night, telling him, I want to work on things that I can be passionate about…. I could do great things at Apple.” He received a phone call the next morning.
    Born in Croatia, Krstić earned a scholarship to Cranbrook at the age of 15, traveling to the U.S. on his own. His goal was to attend an elite university like Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and knew attending a school like Cranbrook could help make that happen.
    At Cranbrook, Krstić found teachers who were as enthusiastic about learning as he was, like chemistry teacher Ed Van Dam, who had taught graduate classes at a university, and history teacher Bob Cowie, who kept a separate apartment just to store all his books. And there was David Watson, Krstić’s faculty advisor on the Crane-Clarion newspaper, who was always willing to look at my essays and offer suggestions, often with so much red ink that it seemed like he had written more notes than I had written text.”
    He adds, Cranbrook was a deeply formative experience. I was never someone who loved studying, but I studied hard during those years because I found so many of my Cranbrook classes fascinating.”
    From the age of five, Krstić had been interested in computers. I got a Commodore Amiga in 1990, and it was dazzling,” he says. When his parents got him a more serious PC computer a few years later, he discovered that while it was useful, it wasnt at all fun.” So he taught himself to program it, to make this new computer do what I told it to do,” he says. Once I figured that out, I was completely hooked.”
    In his first year at Harvard, Krstić continued a volunteer project for Zagreb Childrens Hospital in Croatia, creating an electronic medical record system -- a project he had started while at Cranbrook. It was an ambitious effort, but he lacked resources and support and was unable to complete the full system. It proved too much for an 18-year-old,” he says.
    That work, though, inspired his next professional effort, joining One Laptop per Child, a nonprofit launched at MIT with the goal of transforming education for children around the world. I was keenly aware that if I had not been lucky enough to get a computer when I was young, its extremely unlikely I would have discovered my interest in technology, or wound up at Cranbrook, or later Harvard,” he says. He wanted to give that same opportunity to children around the world.
    While at One Laptop per Child, Krstić developed the novel Bitfrost computer security system, earning the 21-year-old recognition from MIT Technology Review as one of the top 35 innovators in the world under 35 – its youngest ever honoree. It was humbling and deeply, deeply meaningful,” he says. (Receiving the award) felt like an earthquake of validation.”
    So, it did not seem so outrageous for the 23-year-old Krstić to send that email to Steve Jobs in the middle of the night. It turned out to be the perfect match, with Krstić creating a security system for Apple that is the envy of developers worldwide.
    In computer security, youre fighting human adversaries – theyre smart, motivated, and adaptable – so you never get to fully conquer the problem,” he says. If you put up a fence, the attacker will bring a ladder. If you electrify the fence, theyll wear rubber gloves…. (But) if you make it incredibly difficult and expensive to hack your system, most attackers wont be able to turn a profit even if they break in – so theyll move on to easier targets.”
    Krstić says hes most proud of the Security Engineering and Architecture team he has built at Apple. I believe its the top security engineering group in the world today,” he says. The team recruits top defensive engineers from industry and academia and pairs them with world-class hackers. We find these people and make them a simple offer: come to Apple and do the best work of your life.”
    That goal of continuously improving drives Krstić. For me, the highest aspiration of computer security is that no one has to think about it, or care, or know that it exists – that we can simply place our trust in the technology that surrounds us, and that the trust wont be betrayed,” he says. (Every morning), I tell myself: a better world is possible, but no one else will build it for us. And then I get to work.”

    To post congratulations to Ivan, visit: https://padlet.com/CKshares/IvanKrstic04
    To register for Reunion 2024, click here: https://bit.ly/ckReunion24reg

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  • Charlene Li '84, Distinguished Alumna 2024

    Charlene Li '84, Distinguished Alumna 2024

    Charlene Li ’84 possesses an extraordinary ability to see positive possibilities in change. It is one of the many reasons why she is considered the business world’s top expert in disruption, guiding an international roster of clients, audiences and readers through the powerful potential of embracing – and creating – change.  
    In fact, it was a pursuit of change that brought her to Cranbrook as a sophomore in 1981. Looking for an academic and artistic challenge, she sought out the rigors of a Cranbrook education.
    “As a student, I always loved learning,” says Li. Under the guidance of faculty members like Arlyce Seibert and Lolly Hazard, who Li calls “wonderful teachers,” she learned to embrace that curiosity.
    It was Mrs. Hazard, she recalls, who taught her how to write. “I wasn’t very comfortable with words, but I loved my English classes,” she says. Another English teacher, Mrs. Fagenmeyer, gave her a copy of Strunk and White that she quickly memorized. She remembers, too, with fondness Dr. Fred Roth – “and his three pen colors for grading” – and Dr. Jeffrey Welch.
    At Cranbrook, Li also pursued her musical passions. “I was a competitive pianist and would spend two to three hours a day practicing,” she says. “I would go up to Heaven (at Kingswood) and practice there.”
    Li also showed a strong affinity for science and math, and hoped to become a doctor. Outside of class, she was an active student, joining yearbook and the school newspaper.
    From Cranbrook, Li went on to Harvard, with enough AP credits in hand to create her own major as a freshman: neurobiology. “I wanted to do an MD/PhD to learn about intelligence and consciousness, but the science and technology had not advanced enough to let me do that.” She shifted her focus to an honors concentration in social science.
    Much as she had at Cranbrook, Li took full advantage extracurricular activities at Harvard, including Model U.N. “I loved the leadership aspect of Model U.N.,” she says. “I loved creating a team, thinking about the direction of an organization, running things and starting things. That’s how I got into business.”
    In the late-1980s, the path to leadership roles in business was not an easy one for women. And, the fact that, as her parents put it, Li was a “short, Asian woman and everyone in business is a tall, white man” concerned her mother and father, both immigrants from China.
    But, Li says, she knew how to type 100 words a minute and because of that, “would always be able to find work.” That confidence was a comfort to her parents, who were deeply supportive.
    Li earned her MBA from Harvard Business School, graduating in 1993 just as the Internet was making itself known. “I realized it was going to change the world,” Li says. “I looked at the content online and realized that journalism was going to be the field most affected.”
    Running toward the unknown, she took a job at the San Jose Mercury News in Silicon Valley and worked to bring them online, one of the first newspapers to make that leap.
    “I’ve been running toward disruption my whole career,” Li says. “I had this confidence early on that I could do things in a different way. (As a young person), I was often the only person of color in the room. I’m very comfortable being uncomfortable.”
    She spent several years as a principal analyst at Forrester Research, focused on interactive advertising, search marketing and the rise of social media. In 2008, she launched Altimeter Group, to disrupt and challenge established analyst firms. After selling Altimeter, she joined PA Consulting, as chief research officer. Today, she leads Quantum Networks Group as well as a thriving career as an author, speaker and thought leader.
    Li has provided guidance to some of the world’s best-known companies, including Microsoft, JP Morgan Chase and IBM. A highly sought speaker, she has taken the stage at the World Economic Forum, TED and South by Southwest. She has authored six New York Times best sellers including The Disruption Mindset, Open Leadership and Groundswell. Her latest book is Winning with Generative AI: The 90-Day Blueprint for Success.
    Writing continues to be a passion for Li. “I hear from people who say (that something I’ve written) was transformational for them. It’s so humbling to hear that, to go to work every day and think it may help people or to know that I’ve made a difference.”
    To young people just starting out, Li encourages them to “get over any fear of change or failure – failure is a good thing,” she says, adding that it can be the stepping stone to success.  
    Li continues to move forward, ushering people toward the promise of positive change. “I like to give people an ‘a-ha’ moment,” she says. “I help them break through that complexity so that they can walk out a little lighter, more confident and excited to do new things.”

    To post congratulations to Charlene, visit: https://padlet.com/CKshares/CharleneLi84
    To register for Reunion 2024, click here: https://bit.ly/ckReunion24reg

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  • Dr. Cathy Sybert Olkin '84 speaks at Cranbrook Institute of Science May 8

    Dr. Cathy Sybert Olkin ‘84: NASA’s Lucy Mission to Explore the Trojan Asteroids

    Cathy Sybert Olkin is a Cranbrook Kingswood alumna from the class of 1984 and a renowned planetary science who has worked on some groundbreaking missions. She was named Distinguished Alumna in 2019. She will speak at the Cranbrook Institute of Science Women In Science Series on Wednesday, May 8 starting at 6 p.m about her work on NASA’s Lucy mission. This groundbreaking mission sent the first spacecraft to visit asteroids. The spacecraft shares an orbit with Jupiter and the Trojan Asteroids, remnants from planetary formation that hold clues to understanding the formation and evolution of our solar system. Over the course of 12 years, the Lucy spacecraft will visit 11 asteroids. Join Dr. Cathy Olkin to learn about the mission and hear the initial results from the Lucy mission’s first flyby of a small main belt asteroid.

    From 2014 to 2022, Dr. Olkin was Deputy Principal Investigator of NASA’s Lucy mission. Dr. Olkin worked to ensure that the flight system can achieve the mission’s scientific objectives like understanding the asteroids’ geology, surface composition, bulk properties, and thermal properties. Additionally, Dr. Olkin was an Institute Scientist at Southwest Research Institute where she served as the Deputy Project Scientist for NASA’s New Horizons mission. She was the Instrument Principal Investigator for its Ralph instrument, a color camera and infrared imaging spectrometer that provided information on the color and composition of Pluto’s surface.

    Now, as a Principal Scientist at Muon Space, she strives to develop a constellation of satellites to detect and monitor fires across the globe. Her work aims to provide firefighters with high-quality, low-latency information for the management of fire responses, and to provide scientists with data to both model fires and understand the climate impacts. Olkin holds B.S. and M.S. degrees in Aeronautics and Astronautics from MIT and Stanford respectively. She earned a PhD in Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences from MIT with studies of Triton’s atmosphere from the Kuiper Airborne Observatory and other ground-based facilities. She is passionate about the next generation of engineers and scientists and serves as a mentor through programs like FIRST Robotics and the L’SPACE Academy.

    Program Schedule:
    5:00pm: Doors open. Guests can enjoy museum exhibits, including our traveling exhibit, Galileo, along with light refreshments. Plus, receive 10% off in the science shop!
    6:00 - 7:00pm: Lecture and Q&A
    7:00 - 8:00pm: Galleries open
    Tickets are $10 for adult members and $5 for children members ages 2-12. Tickets are $15 for adult non-members; $10 for children non-members ages 2-12. All children under age 2 are free.
    A portion of this event is sponsored by the Women Rock Science experience.
    This event is geared toward ages 12 and up.
    Register for this event through the CIS website: https://bit.ly/ckOlkinCIS24

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  • Get ready for photos in the quad!

    Reunion 2024 - See who is coming so far!

    The classes of 1944, 1949, 1954, 1959, 1964, 1969, 1974, 1979, 1984, 1989, 1994, 1999, 2004, 2009, 2014, and 2019 are celebrating milestone reunions this year! We are tracking reunion registrations for each of these classes in the class dropdown menus on the Cranbrook Schools Reunion Page so you can see who has already signed up, and reach out to those whose names don't appear on the list yet and encourage them to come.

    Click on the class year to see who is coming so far:
    1944, 1949, 1954, 1959, 1964, 1969, 1974, 1979, 1984, 1989, 1994, 1999, 2004, 2009, 2014, and 2019.

    Discounted pricing is available on all meal tickets through May 31. We ask that all alumni register in advance, whether they are a milestone celebrant attending a full weekend of activities or a local alum going to the cocktail party.  Name tags are required for all events, and your advance registration will help make things go smoothly for everyone that weekend. 

    Click here to go directly to the registration.

    All alumni are invited to join the full schedule of events that begin on Saturday June 8, including remembrances of former performing arts faculty Dr. Charles Geroux and Jessica Sinclair and presentation of awards to our Distinguished Alumni Charlene Li '84 and Ivan Krstić '04

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  • March

    Communication Survey - We need your input

    Alumni - your input matters and will help the help us deliver the information you want, the way you want it!

    In partnership with the Office of Communication, the Cranbrook Schools Alumni Office has put together a short survey about your preferences in communications from the school. We hope to learn more about alumni interests and the ways and frequencies in which you prefer to receive information.

    We hope to hear from as many alumni as possible, with participants from across a range of graduation years. The survey takes less than five minutes to complete. We thank you in advance for your participation. Your support in spreading word of the survey to fellow alumni through text, email or class pages is also appreciated.
    Click here to complete the survey, which closes on April 1. You can also past the following link into your browser: https://bit.ly/ckCommSurvey2024

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  • Cranbrook Schools Alumni gather in Washington, D.C.

    On Thursday, March 7th, alumni currently living in the Washington, D.C. regional alumni network gathered for a wonderful afternoon and evening of fun. To kick things off, the group enjoyed a private architecture tour of the East Building at the National Gallery of Art, led by docent and Kingswood alumna Sheridan Strickland '66. Following the tour, alumni gathered at Succotash for food, drinks and networking. Special guest Dr. Jeff Suzik provided updates from happenings back on campus. It was exciting to see alumni reuniting with friends and making new connections.
    If you missed this one, we will be sure to catch you at the next one! If you’re interested in becoming more involved in the Washington, D.C. CRAN community, please reach out to Mackenzie Friedman at mfriedman@cranbrook.edu.  
    To view photos from the event, click here.

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  • Join us in Portland April 13

    Cranbrook is headed to Portland! Local resident and Portland CRAN representative, Chase Brand ’79 has been a driving force in helping to organize an upcoming Cranbrook community event happening on Saturday, April 13. Alumni are invited for a memorable afternoon and evening with two opportunities to connect with fellow Cranbrook community in Portland. The afternoon will begin with optional private tours of the Portland Japanese Garden, arranged by the Cranbrook Center for Collections and Research. Following the tour, all are invited to a Cranbrook reception at Breakside Brewery (Slabtown Location) hosted by the Office of Alumni Relations. The reception will take place from 5:00-7:00 p.m. and guests can enjoy hors d'oeuvres and beers by Breakside’s acclaimed brewmaster and CK alumnus Ben Edmunds ’00.
    We asked Chase his take on the day-of activities planned, and he said,
    “If anyone in Portland has not been to the recently expanded and enlarged Portland Japanese Garden you are in for a treat. Getting an inside look with Sada will make it an even more special experience. You may find yourself going back again in the future to enjoy the garden for its’ exquisite beauty and sense of peace and tranquility. Going to Breakside Brewery in the Slabtown section of Portland speaks for itself. Of course, one of Portland’s best breweries is the work of a Cranbrook alum, Ben Edwards 00’. Don’t be surprised if you see a lot of the people who work there wearing Tigers, Lions, Red Wings, or other Detroit paraphernalia. Apparently, it is highly encouraged by the management. Also, if you are planning to come to Portland for the weekend, be sure to plan a trip to Powell’s Books and take advantage of the exceptional food and music scene that we have here.”
    We asked Chase why he believes it is important to stay connected as an alumni community, and he said,  
    “Every Cranbrook and Kingswood graduate has been treated to a unique and life changing experience by going there. Staying connected to the schools is a way of giving back to the community to ensure that generations to come will get to have a similar experience. For example, my son will be graduating this year. He has had an exceptional experience while being there filled with trials and tribulations and most importantly, triumphs. He is heading off to college with confidence. In addition, he already has friends and connections from around the country and around that world that he can call on. Staying connected with the school is a way of staying connected with our outstanding alumni anywhere you go.”

    The event in April is only the start of many future events and activities planned for the Portland CRAN community. Whether you can join us for just the tour, just the reception, or both, we hope to see you as we reconnect and strengthen the connections that make our community so unique.  Chase continued on by saying,  
    “I was excited to see that we have a lot more CK Alumni in the Portland area, as well as throughout the Pacific Northwest, than I thought. I always appreciate the diversity of our alumni and the broad range of interests that they have pursued since they graduated from Cranbrook, Kingswood, or CK. Coming to the Portland event this April will be a way to connect with some interesting people that you may not have known are living right around the corner!”
    To register for this event, click here.  
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  • Charles Geroux and Jessica Sinclair, CK Performing Arts Legends

    Pay Tribute to Jessica Sinclair and Charles Geroux at Reunion 2024

    Support the performing arts at Cranbrook Schools in their memory.
    Alumni have an opportunity to pay tribute to these two individuals who had such a significant impact on our performing arts programs through The Jessica Sinclair and Charles Geroux Legacy Fund for the Arts. This permanently endowed fund will serve to enhance our performing arts programs at Cranbrook Schools, engaging students with accomplished actors, musicians, and dancers from a wide range of disciplines.
    To learn more and make your gift today, click here or call (248) 645-3140. You can make a tribute in honor of Jessica Sinclair, Dr. Charles Geroux, or both, and we will notify their families that you have made a gift in their memory. For more information about the fund visit: https://bit.ly/ckSinclairGerouxFundInfo
    Please join us Reunion weekend on Saturday, June 8th, as we honor the legacies of two remarkable performing arts icons: Charles Geroux and Jessica Sinclair.

    We will celebrate their lives and careers in two parts at Reunion. Click here to register for all events.
    Dancers - Don't miss your chance to be part of the ultimate Alumni Processional at the PAC following Quadfest. 

    Event Details: Saturday, June 8

    Tribute at Kingswood Auditorium:
    Time: 1:30 PM
    Location: Kingswood Auditorium
    Details: Hear heartfelt remarks from Chuck and Jesse's esteemed colleagues, Sarkis Halajian and Charlie Shaw. Enjoy a special performance directed by Katie Lorts and Kay Rediers as we reminisce on their impact.
    Evening Celebration at the Performing Arts Center:
    Time: Immediately following the Quad Fest cocktail party
    Location: Performing Arts Center
    Details: Let's sing, dance, and celebrate the memories of Charles Geroux and Jessica Sinclair. Vocal Music Director Jim Gabriel will lead us in a piano sing-along featuring some showtunes that will be familiar to CK performers and fans alike. DJ Jeremy Rahn will be spinning all the hits that illuminated our stages over the years.

    Debbie Dietrich '72 will be the mistress of ceremonies as we reenact Jessie's most iconic dance, Processional. Email alumni@cranbrook.edu if you want to join in!

    We will be joined by many familiar faces as we celebrate these two performing arts icons. Bridget Geroux and Lisa Sinclair have made plans to be there. Nina Machus and Sarkis Halajian will be on hand to toast to their former colleagues. Visit the Former Faculty dropdown on the reunion page to see the latest updates on other former and current faculty who plan to be there.

    Other Ways to  Get Involved:
    • Share Your Memories: Visit the sharing pages to share stories, photos, and memories of Jessie Sinclair (Dance Director 1961-2002) and Charles Geroux (Director of Performing Arts 1970-1999).
    • Submit a Song Suggestion: Post your favorite song from one of the musicals or dance performances from your era on our Padlet. We will add the most requested songs to the playlist for the evening.

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  • Panelist Dr. Latonya Riddle-Jones '97 (center) with surgery resident Ninette Musili '13 (L) and a DCD alum

    Alumni in medical fields come together in Detroit for a panel and networking event

    On Thursday, February 29, 2024, more than 65 alumni from four Detroit-area Independent Schools including University Liggett School, Roeper, Detroit Country Day School and Cranbrook attended our first-ever Detroit Independent Schools Joint Alumni networking event at the Detroit Athletic Club. This inaugural gathering was a first time collaborative effort to bring together alumni from different schools together around shared career interests. The panel  featured medical professionals from all four of the schools. Dr. Latonya Riddle-Jones ‘97 represented Cranbrook Schools.
    Led by moderator Dr. Herman Gray, Chair, Wayne State University Department of Pediatrics, this group of physicians spoke about their varied careers and the ways in which their independent school backgrounds impacted their career paths.
    After the panel discussion concluded, panel participants and alumni guests from the four schools stayed to mix, mingle and network with each other. It was a fantastic, collaborative evening, and we look forward to planning future career events in additional industries going forward, and expanding our reach beyond the Detroit area.
    To view photos from this event, click here.
    Email the alumni office if you are interested in participating in a career-based networking event in your field.

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  • February

     Anand Parikh '04, Leila Kalley, Michele LoDuca and Dan Valbracht, all '05 in Austin

    Alumni connect at regional events in Austin, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco

    Since the start of the new year, Cranbrook Regional Alumni Networks (CRAN) across the country have been building community, and regathering, in some cases after several years hiatus due to the pandemic. In January and February, events took place in Austin, Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Francisco, bringing together generations of Cranbrook Kingswood alumni, spanning from the 60’s through to the 2020s.
    On January 22, Austin-area alumni gathered at The Well in the 2nd Street District and shared with staff that traveled the growth that has taken place in their city over the last several years. A huge hub for the tech industry has brought many of our alumni there.  Some alumni relocated from California, some are new to the area, and others have been there for several years or decades. The alumni that came out for the event are ready to plan the next one and excited to meet more area alumni.

    That same week, on January 24, Chicagoland CK and HUB alumni gathered at The Tavern Club, situated at the corner of two of Chicago’s most recognizable streets, Wacker Drive and Michigan Avenue. Special guests were Director of Schools Dr. Jeff Suzik, and Director of Horizons-Upward Bound Lisa Smoots.

    On February 3, the Southern California regional alumni network gathered at The London West Hollywood at Beverly Hills, building off last year’s event at the LACMA Museum. Director of Schools Dr. Jeff Suzik provided guests with an update from campus and shared the new mission statement for Cranbrook Schools. This group brings the energy and ready for the next gathering!

    Finishing out the week in California, on February 5 the Northern California CRAN Event took place at Miller & Lux in San Francisco with an impressive showing of CK alumni! Alumni heard updates from Director of Schools Dr. Jeff Suzik and connected for the first time as a community in over 5 years. Alumni gathered in the Bar and Lounge to enjoy good food and conversation.

    If you’re interested in future CRAN events and programming, or becoming more involved on a CRAN committee, contact Mackenzie Friedman, Associate Director of Alumni Relations at mfriedman@cranbrook.edu for more information. Send along your current address, as invitations to regional events are sent to alumni by the mailing address listed in our alumni database. Let us know where you live so you can take advantage of the CK network in your area!

    View photos from the Austin event
    View photos from the Chicago event
    View photos from the Los Angeles event
    View photos from the San Francisco event
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  • Henry Whiting '73 at Teater's Knoll, his Frank Lloyd Wright designed home

    April 24 Sirchio Lecture with Henry Whiting II '73

    On Wednesday, April 24th Cranbrook Schools alumnus Henry Whiting II ‘73, restorer and resident of the Frank Lloyd Wright designed Teater Studio, will speak on campus as part of Cranbrook Schools' Sirchio Distinguished Speaker Series. The lecture is open to the public and will begin at 7pm at deSalle Auditorium at the Cranbrook Art Museum.
    Whiting will share his passion for mid-century design and his expertise in the architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright. His journey into the world of architecture was uniquely shaped by his great-uncle, renowned architect Alden B. Dow, as well as his early exposure to the Cranbrook campus and the architecture of Eliel Saarinen. Whiting is the author of two seminal works, "At Nature's Edge: Frank Lloyd Wright's Artist Studio" and "Teater's Knoll: Frank Lloyd Wright's Idaho Legacy," as well as numerous articles detailing the studio's significance.
    Feeding Whiting’s early passion for architectural design, Whiting's early immersion in Frank Lloyd Wright's aesthetic and philosophy led him to Idaho, where he played a role in the design and realization of his parents' home in Sun Valley. His connection with Wright's principles led him to commission a contemporary protégé, architect Bart Prince, for a house in Greenhorn Gulch, epitomizing the enduring legacy of Mid-Twentieth Century architecture.
    Today, residing in Frank Lloyd Wright’s only Idaho building, the Archie Teater Studio in Bliss, Whiting has dedicated over 40 years to its restoration. Renowned as an expert in Wright’s vision of harmonious architectural integration with the landscape, Whiting's lecture will give insight into his lifelong relationship with Mid-Twentieth Century architecture and design. Whiting opens Teater’s Knoll to visitors regularly, and speaks around the country, offering a firsthand account of living within the Mid-Century Modern design ethos and advocating for the preservation of this quintessentially American movement.
    The Sirchio Lecture is open to the public and there is no charge for tickets, however seating is limited, so let us know you are coming by emailing alumni@cranbrook.edu to ensure availability.
    Inaugurated in 1993 by alumnus Kris Sirchio `83, the Sirchio Distinguished Speaker Series brings amazing alumni back to inspire students to follow their passion, aim high and believe anything is possible.
    Past speakers have included Michael Barone ‘62, Daniel Ellsberg ‘48, Sven Birkerts ‘69, Ward Just ‘53, Natalie Zemon Davis '45, Michael Hodges ’73, Tod Williams ‘61 and Billie Tsien, Rob Edwards ‘81, planetary scientist Cathy Sybert Olkin '84, and author Edmund White ’58.

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  • CKAA Career Fair brings Alumni Talent to Campus

    More than 70 alumni volunteers from an array of backgrounds manned stations mapped out by industry at the CKAA’s Career Fair for Juniors and Seniors. Students took advantage of this opportunity to dialogue with alumni about college choices, majors, career paths and more.  Careers represented included cybersecurity, investment banking, veterinary medicine, robotics, digital marketing and more. In addition to one-on-one sessions with individual career mentors, students participated in ongoing interviewing skills workshops led experienced HR professional Sue Sun Lasovage, which were well received, as seniors are currently interviewing for Senior May Project opportunities, which are in great demand.
    Immediately following the career fair, alumni volunteers gathered off campus for a professional networking event at Eddie Merlot’s.
    To view more photos from the career fair and other alumni events click here.
    To see the full list of career mentors from the January 31 event, click here.
    For more information on hosting a 3-week Senior May Project internship for a CK senior May 12-May 31, click here.

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  • Alumni Medical Networking Event Flyer

    Medical Alumni Networking Event February 29 at Detroit Athletic Club

    The Alumni Offices of Cranbrook, Detroit Country Day, Roeper, and University Liggett School have teamed up to provide our Detroit-area medical professional alumni with a unique networking opportunity on Thursday, February 29 at 5 p.m., at the Detroit Athletic Club. The event will begin at 5 p.m. with a panel discussion between medical doctors who graduated from each of our schools. Dr. Latonya Riddle-Jones ’97 will represent CK on the panel.  Herman Gray, M.D., M.B.A., Chair of the Wayne State University Department of Pediatrics will moderate the panel and lead the discussion and question and answer session. Immediately following, there will be time for guests to network and share experiences. If you wish to attend this event, register here. Space is limited.

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  • Upcoming Washington DC CRAN event March 7

    For those living in or traveling to the D.C. area on Thursday, March 7, please join us for a memorable afternoon and evening with two opportunities to connect with fellow graduates in the area. The afternoon will begin with an architectural tour of the East Building at the National Gallery of Art, hosted by docent and Kingswood Class of 1966 alumna, Sheridan Strickland. Attendees are asked to meet at the information desk in the East Building between 3:30-4:00 p.m. with the tour beginning promptly at 4:00 p.m. 
    Following the tour, all are invited to an alumni reception at Succotash (9TH AND F STREET) from 5:30-7:30 p.m. to enjoy drinks and hors d'oeuvres. Special guest Dr. Jeff Suzik, Director of Schools will provide news and updates from happenings back on campus. Whether you're able to join us for just the tour, just the reception, or both, we hope to see you as we reconnect and strengthen the connections that make our alumni community so special.  
    REGISTER by emailing us at alumni@cranbrook.edu and let us know if you're able to join us for the tour and/or reception. Additional details will follow in a confirmation and reminder email. 

    Click here to see who is coming so far! 

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  • January

    Remembering Jan Wells

    We are passing along the sad news of the loss of former faculty member Janris Wells earlier this month.
    Below is an excerpt from Jan's obituary, sent by her sons Jeff Wells '80 and James Wells '81.

    Jan Wells passed away Tuesday, January 9th.  A Nashville native and tomboy at heart, Jan attended Trevecca Nazarene High School and University in Nashville, then finished her bachelor’s at Bethany Nazarene College (now Southern Nazarene University) in Oklahoma City.  Later in life, Jan received her master’s degree in guidance and counseling from Oakland University in Michigan.  
    Jan married Jim Wells (who passed away 14 months ago) in 1958 and worked as a secretary to support them through his doctorate at The Ohio State University.  After short stints in North Carolina and Virginia in the mid-1960s, Jan and Jim moved to Cranbrook Educational Community in suburban Detroit where she later taught typing/keyboarding at Cranbrook Kingswood School.  
    Jan loved Cranbrook and it loved her back.  She served as a beloved faculty member and advisor to many students over the years and never tired of playing cards or board games with the school’s boarding students during weekend dormitory duty.  After 28 years at Cranbrook, she and Jim retired to a lake house in Hendersonville, Tennessee, just outside her native Nashville.  There she enjoyed connecting with family and friends, played tennis and bridge, one or both nearly every day, and read avidly.  At 89, Jan and Jim moved to Asbury Methodist Village in Gaithersburg, Maryland to be nearer son Jeff, but maintained her interest in bridge and tennis, and even took up pickleball.  
    Known for her infectious laugh and love of play, Jan’s students and many friends appreciated her mischievous sense of fun, regardless of the situation or affair.  She was competitive too.  A “Ruby Life Master” bridge player with a killer lob on the tennis court, she was the one in the family with all the sports trophies.  And outside a loss at the bridge table or tennis court, you were still in danger of losing time if she ever started talking about her family.    
    Jan is survived by her son Jeff and his spouse David, son James and his spouse Thekla, and three grandsons:  Christopher, Constantin, and Alexander.  In lieu of flowers, memorial gifts may be made to the Wells Family Scholarship Fund at Cranbrook Kingswood School in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, or to Montgomery Hospice in Rockville, Maryland.
    To share memories of Jan, visit https://padlet.com/CKshares/JWells
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  • Peter Schmidt '57 and Grandson Alex Eikenberry '20

    Winter alumni visits to campus

    The weather outside might be frightful, but nothing can stop our alumni from visiting campus when they are near. Over the holidays Peter Schmidt '57 came to town from Falls Church, VA and his grandson Alex Eikenberry '20 was in from University of Arizona. They carved out time for a multi-generational visit to the newly renovated alumni courtyard. Laurel Robertson Shouvlin '74  paid a visit to Kingswood from Ohio, touring the weaving studio and paying a quick trip to her class plaque in advance of her 50th reunion in June. On her visit she had a chance to connect with Sally Carpenter Kerr '74 who surprised her, coming up for air from the undercarriage of a loom she was repairing, a labor of love Sally continues to perform in the studio.

    In February Jane Miley Rivkin '61 visited campus with her daughter, visiting author Susan Verde. Jane attended sessions at Brookside led by her daughter who read from her book, "Who I Am: Stories I Tell Myself" to a rapt audience.  Following the Brookside readings, Jane and Susan toured Kingswood.

    Family members of alumni are always welcome to visit campus to remember the Cranbrook Kingswood legacy of their loved ones. Laura Butus, daughter of the late Keith Butus '78 came on a visit with friends earlier this month. She enjoyed seeing the alumni courtyard, the quadrangle and dormitories that figured in so  many of her dad's stories of his formative years.

    Even in the cold, crisp winter, our campus remains a hub for alumni.

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  • Alumni event at Cranbrook Institute of Science on February 25

    The Cranbrook Kingswood Alumni Association will host an alumni takeover at Cranbrook Institute of Science on Sunday, February 25 from 4-6 pm. Alumni and their guests are invited to mingle with faculty, fellow alumni & their guests, and explore exhibits including "Galileo: Scientist, Astronomer, Visionary" and enjoy pizza and refreshments.

    Bring family members, children, grandchildren, dinosaur fans of any age, a fellow alum or a date. It will be fun to check out the exhibits and a laser show with alumni groups of all ages and compositions. The CKAA will keep everyone fueled up with pizza and dessert. Feel free to forward this information to fellow alumni who might be interested in joining.

    Space is limited. Email alumni@cranbrook.edu to RSVP or call (248) 645-3253.

    Click here to see photos from last year's event at CIS
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  • Los Angeles CRAN event 2023

    Registrations for alumni events in Austin, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco are live

    The upcoming weeks are busy ones for our regional alumni networks with events coming up in Austin, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco.  Space at all CRAN events is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis. See below for details, registration and to see who is signed up so far.

    Austin CRAN Event
    Date: Monday, January 22, 2024
    Time: 6:00-8:00 p.m.
    Location: The Well
    Address: 440 W 2nd Street Austin, TX 78701
    Click here to register
    Click  here to see who is coming so far

    Chicago CRAN Event
    Date: Wednesday, January 24, 2023
    Time: 6:30-8:30 p.m.
    Location: The Tavern Club at 333
    Address: 333 Michigan Ave #400, Chicago, IL 60601 
    Click here to register
    Click here to see who is coming so far

    Los Angeles CRAN Event
    Date: Saturday, February 3, 2024
    Time: 6:30-8:30 p.m.
    Location: The London West Hollywood at Beverly Hills
    Address: 1020 N San Vicente Blvd, West Hollywood, CA 90069
    Click here to register
    Click here to see who is coming so far
    Northern California CRAN Event
    Date: Monday, February 5, 2024
    Time: 6:30-8:30 p.m.
    Location: Miller & Lux
    Address: 700 Terry A Francois Blvd., San Francisco, CA 94158
    Click here to register
    Click here to see who is coming so far

    Invitations for all of our regional events go out to alumni based on the address you have listed with your alumni record. To update your address so you receive invitations to events near you, email the alumni office at alumni@cranbrook.edu

    As always, feel free to forward information about upcoming events to your fellow alumni. We are missing contact information for many alumni.

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  • Reunion 2024 will be held June 7-8-9

    Save the dates of June 7-8-9 for Reunion 2024

    The classes of 1944, 1949, 1954, 1959, 1964, 1969, 1974, 1979, 1984, 1989, 1994, 1999, 2004, 2009, 2014, and 2019 will be celebrating major milestones.  Milestone events start Friday night. The alumni office will be hosting dinner on the quad for our milestone Golden Graduates from the classes of ‘44, ‘49, ‘54, ‘59, ‘64, ’69 and ’74. The classes of ‘79, ‘84, ‘89, ‘94, ‘99, ‘04, ‘09, ‘14, and ’19 are invited to a cocktail party at Kingswood Friday night. 

    Events for all alumni continue Saturday and Sunday, including remembrances of former performing arts faculty Dr. Charles Geroux and Jessica Sinclair. Saturday night the classes of ’84 and ’94 will have designated dinner gatherings just off the quad immediately following their class photos. Sign up for all events via the reunion registration.

    Visit the reunion web page at http://bit.ly/CKreunionUpdates for the full schedule. Registration will open there in April.

    Click here to share memories of Chuck Geroux
    Click here to share memories of Jessie Sinclair

    Click here to view photos from last year's reunion
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  • National Gallery, DC and Portland Japanese Garden

    Spring alumni events in Washington DC and Portland

    Alumni  - save these dates for upcoming outreach events in Washington DC and Portland.

    Washington, DC CRAN Event
    Date: Thursday, March 7, 2024
    Time: Private Tour at NGA from 4-5 p.m. / Gathering from 5:30-7:30 p.m.
    Location: National Gallery of Art Tour with Sheridan Strickland '66 followed by gathering at nearby venue (TBD)
    Email the alumni office at alumni@cranbrook.edu to reserve your spot.

    Portland CEC Event
    Date: Saturday, April 13. 2024
    Time: Garden Tours from 3-5 p.m. / Brewery Gathering from 5-7 p.m.
    Location: Portland Japanese Gardens & Breakside Brewery
    Registration for this event will open up in March.

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< 2024