Diversity Trainings

In the interest of developing cultural competence, we research and offer a number of diversity training experiences for community members.
Divisional parent organizations have diversity sub-committees and also maintain membership on the All Schools Diversity Committee. Our office collaborates with parent organizations in efforts to educate the parent constituency about multiculturalism and diversity including campus programming and other educational opportunities. Parents are invited to participate in a variety of ways: People of Color Conference, All Schools Diversity Committee, experiential learning, in-residence liaison program, host family program for international students, cultural contributions to “Weekly Packets.”

Our office collaborates in recruitment, hiring, and professional development and mentoring of diverse faculty, coordinating with counseling, nursing, and academic support staff on behalf of students and their families providing research, guidance and perspective to other offices on topics related to the schools’ cultural environment. Opportunities include but are not limited to: People of Color Conference, AIMS Teacher Training, ISACS Leadership Training, Southeast Michigan Diversity Committee, Summer Diversity Institute, various professional development opportunities such as “Exploring Native American & Hispanic Cultures as Sources for Organizational Change,” Teaching Tolerance magazine, National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME), and NAIS Call to Action.