Mentors Needed - CKAA Career Fair Wednesday January 29

The annual Cranbrook Kingswood Alumni Association career fair is scheduled for the evening of Wednesday, January 29 from 6-8pm at Kingswood Auditorium and alumni mentors from a wide variety of fields and backgrounds are needed! Click here to register if you are interested in serving this year, or at a future Career Fair.
Each year over 70 career mentors from a wide variety of fields and educational paths answer questions and carry on informal conversations with current Cranbrook Kingswood juniors and seniors. The onus is on the students to ask questions.

The career fair is an event that is eagerly anticipated by junior and senior students at Cranbrook Kingswood, and each year a majority of upperclassmen look forward to participating. Often students are able to network with alumni as they begin their search for a Senior May Project internship, which takes place the last three weeks before graduation. During that time the majority of CK seniors take on an internship in a field of interest, and many interesting opportunities have been provided by alumni over the years.

Immediately following the Career Fair, the CKAA sponsors a networking event for the mentors who serve at a nearby pub that proves to be a great draw.

Click here to register for the Wednesday, January 29 CKAA Career Fair
Click here to see photos from last year's Career Fair
Click here if you want information about providing an internship for a CK Senior May Project May 12-30 or other types of mentoring activities

Go to the Alumni Welcome Page  