Applications for the 2025-2026 school year are now available. 
Apply here.

The Horizons-Upward Bound Mission

The mission of the Horizons-Upward Bound (HUB) program is to prepare students who have limited opportunities from the Detroit Metropolitan area to enter and succeed in post-secondary education. We academically support the efforts of the students’ home school by providing services that assist students in pursuing and achieving their dreams and goals for their academic endeavors and beyond.

How it all Began

Horizons-Upward Bound, or "HUB" for short, is one of the oldest and largest programs of its kind in the nation. With the guidance of faculty from Cranbrook Schools, HUB began at Cranbrook in 1965 under the "Horizons" banner with a grant from the Ford Foundation. That same year, the U.S. Department of Education started the nationwide "Upward Bound" program as part of President Johnson's Great Society. When it became apparent that the local "Horizons" and the national "Upward Bound" programs were essentially the same, Cranbrook applied for and received a federal Upward Bound Grant in 1966 that resulted in what became Cranbrook Schools Horizons-Upward Bound.

Current Director

Lisa Reynolds Smoots


Ben Snyder, Sr.